Language:Japanese / English
2017y vol.17 Issue 1
What is "being scientific and doing scientifically?"
ーThe person who gains more knowledge also gains more sorrow -Ecclesiastes 1:18
Tetsuhiro Sakai
Review Articles
Education system of Mutsu General Hospital Nursing Bureau
-Connecting thought and practice of education supervisors
Akiko Tokuta
Satomi Shirahama
Kumiko Kouda
Noriko Sugawara
Twenty five years have passed since the Education Committee was established at Mutsu General Hospital Nursing Division. Article 8 of the Japanese Nursing Association “Code of Ethics for Nurses” states that “It is the responsibility and duty of the nurse her/himself to maintain and develop their abilities in a systematic manner as professionals.” In order to provide a place for learning, the education supervisor has implemented initiatives such as preceptorship, goal management, clinical ladder implementation and re-examination. This is a comprehensive report on the continuing the thoughts of the predecessors but also implementing new initiatives and reforms to keep up with the changing times.

Key words: Education supervisor, Thought, Continuation

Original Articles
Current status and future prospects of the dialysis in Shimokita Kazuaki Yoshikawa
Mutsu General Hospital started hemodialysis in 1972. Increasing consoles, we got 30 beds in 2011.New entry of neigboring facilities those were Ooma Hospital in 1994, Tanaka Urological Clinic and Noheji Clinic in 2004 made adequate hemodialysis environment in Shimokita. However, increase in the number of chronic renal failure forced to the saturated condition in our hospital recently. New hemodialysis patients have to attend or admit facilities in Misawa or Aomori City nowadays. In 2016, the number of dialysis patients in Shimokita marked 249 with peritoneal dialysis patients. The civil movement to extend the hemodialysis capacity grew under such circumstances and the blood purification center including 50beds will set up in April 2017. After setting up, we will accept hemodialysis patients in stages, whereas it is impossible to manage all of them in Shimokita. It seems to be important the collaboration between the neigboring facilities and us in future.

Key words: Shimokita, hemodialysis, the blood purification center

Dementia care improvement in the mental health ward
-based person centered care-
Hiroyuki Osaka
Ryo Shimizu
Yumiko Sugiyama
People diagnosed with dementia progresses in the world of the aging of the population is increasing. While in A mental health hospital, the percentage of the number of patients hospitalized with dementia 2010 9 is %, and 24% in 2015, has increased. Results nursing staff working in mental health awareness survey on dementia care for, who often feels difficulty for dementia, who knows the principles it is not revealed. Therefore I thought must be first of all clarify dementia care principles and policies. Dementia care philosophy has the concept of person centered care. This is only due to a disorder of the brain are the words and deeds of the person with dementia is not interacting with various backgrounds, such as that person's lifestyle, personality, health and environment, are experiencing now with the person with dementia. With a variety of information from the perspective of the person in question, care to devise. The report examined whether patient centric, by introducing the concept of dementia care based on the principles involved.

Key words: dementia, person centred care, mental health ward, VIPS

Initial report of radiation dosimetry in the Shimokita Peninsula,
measured by regional network facilities
Mitsuhiko Okugawa
Kumiko Kouda
Yasushi Mariya
Toshiya Nakamura
Andrzej Wojcik
There are several nuclear power plant-related facilities in the Shimokita region. This is an initial report of radiation dosimetry measured at 5 public facilities. The purposes of this investigation were to establish the regional measurement network among the facilities and the broader and international one including Hirosaki University and Stockholm University, and to understand the change in space radiation dose rate considering the occurrence of events related to nuclear industry including a nuclear accident, which would contribute to public risk management planning. Furthermore, by participating in routine radiation dose measurements, public facility staff and Shimokita residents will enhance their basic understanding of radiation dosimetry.

Key words: radiation dosimetry, Shimokita region, regional network, global network
Two cases of suspected Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction
in Helicobacter pylori eradication
Yusaku Kajihara
This is a report of two cases suspected of Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction (JHR) in Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), presenting with epigastric pain and fever. The first case is a 67 year-old female who received lansoprazole-amoxicillin-clarithromycin triple therapy for H. pylori eradication after treatment of gastric ulcer. The patient presented to our institution with epigastric pain three days after initiation of eradication therapy. The second case is a 47 year-old female who received vonoprazan-amoxicillin-clarithromycin triple therapy for H. pylori-associated chronic gastritis and presented with mid-grade fever and epigastric pain two days after initiation of eradication therapy. In both cases, because there were no specific abnormal findings, eradication therapy was discontinued and symptomatic treatment was administered. As a result, the patients’ symptoms improved rapidly. Furthermore, with only two to three days of eradication therapy leading to successful bacterial eradication, extremely early eradication of H. pylori may lead to an inflammatory reaction caused by the death of H. pylori, or the so-called JHR of the stomach.

Key words: Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction, Helicobacter pylori, eradication

Abstracts from Clinical Conference for Residents
 A case of anesthetic management
  in surgical treatment of pheochromocytoma
Kazutaka Okita
 A case of ischemic cardiomyopathy caused by coronary spasm Taisyu Kanda
 A case with recurrent SM2 cancer of colon
  who received effective preoperative chemoradiotherapy
Ryo Kikuchi
 A case of coronary spastic angina,resuscitated from
  ventricular fibrillation and consequent cardiopulmonary arrest
Kenji Kishi
 A case of ileus who could avoid intestinal resection Syunsuke Kubota
 A case of mesenteric damage caused by traffic injury Manami Kubota
 A case of unstable pelvic ring fracture caused by falling down Mirei Kubota
 A case that accidentally swallowed three button batteries,
  which were endoscopically removed with success
Chiori Tabe

Performance Reports-2016

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